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Saturday, March 7, 2009

went to terence house to do geog project but end up playing the whole morning. LOL
me and wei jie meet at Tampines and reach terence's house at around 11+.
when we reach there the stupid wen kai is already there watching the soccer show.
den after that i play dota. second time playing so actually i still dun noe how to play.
When play until sian me and wei jie play ps2. HAHAHA

When we are about to leave i plat with yu long dota but end up being killed
by him for 6 times. FREAK LAR. he play so long le i only just started. HAIZ
nvr i shall own him in the future. STILL GOT TIME !!!!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{6:16 AM|

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh crap!!! tmr will be the beep test thingy!!!!
CHIK GOT STAGE 9 LAP 9 sia. gonna lose to him... haiz. .
anyway thx to those people who say happy birthday to me or even give me present :D
thx wei jie for the head band. LOL though it look a bit disgusting. XD

did quite badly for the bio pop quiz and chem test.....
hope that next week's test will do better.
anyway fyi 3I got a big change in the arrangement of seats,
and i end up at the most left corner at the back of the classs.
that seat is not good lar, is like being outcasted.
i am going to tell yu long to let me change seat... maybe to the middle row haha.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{2:32 AM|

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Today PE lesson was fun sia.
firstly, Mr Siva announced the names of people who are either
underweight or overweight. Then Wei Jie's name was called.
he is 180 cm but 51 kg. Then Mr Siva commented on his bony legs den everyone laugh.

After that the game was carried out again. Mr Siva will say get into groups of ...
den within 5 secs we have to form our team, and if we were not able to do so
we will have to do 20 push ups, therefore we push until we tired until like SIAO.

Finally the game was over, and we started play dog and bone, whereby
a basketball is being placed in the middle of the court den when numbers are called,
people in charge of that number will run out and try to score at their opponents' goal.
The first to score will not need to do all the punishments which includes 20 push up
20 sit ups, jumping jacks. .....BLABLABLA

When 7 is called which is me, my team will always win
cos got ME!!! lol jkjk, actualy it is because the opponent's team number 7 is a girl
so i can own her. HAHA. around 9am the fire drill siren could be heard and we
have to stop our pe lesson to assemble at the parade square.

Anyway PE lesson IS FUN!!!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{5:44 AM|

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sorry for posting over such a period of time. haha
Anyway there is finally something i wan to post regarding wat happened today.
Today when it was recess, there was a song dedication activity whereby
if you pay 1 dollar you can dedicate one song to your classmates.
then yulong started saying why don't everyone pay 20 cents and make it to 1 dollar
he den say lets say yi qi wan to dedicate a song to 0210.... After i heard that i freak off sia
i kept telling them dont lar cos i sure die, but yu long heck care

He went to tell the sc in charge saying wat yi qi from class 3I wan to dedicate a song to 0210
saying he will love her forever. FREAK!!!! i dont noe wat to say. i just kept laughing
when the sc annouced. A lot of people was there lar. I think i am going to be dead.
Sigh.... luckily 0210 noe that is people sabo me one not i really go and dedicate.

Went to RP for SMP project after sch.....
listen to the very very short talk on bio diesel and went for the tea break.
cos me, chik and clement nvr eat lunch so during the tea break we all nvr stop eating.
HAHAHA eat and eat and eat and the teacher looked at us giving a shock expression.
but we heck her and continue eating and drinking ribena. the food was nice!!!

After that went for a activity on the investigation of food flies.
the teacher was strict so watever we came up with was being rejected. LOL
Hope that our SMP project can be carry out smoothly in the future.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{6:22 AM|

Friday, February 6, 2009

Someone please save me from the gay ass, WANG YU CHEN.
he is freaking sai lar. Keep disturbing me and keep touching me
gay until cannot gay sia. Cannot take it anymore!!!
but nvm i shall resign to fate. zzzzz

Btw CME class was quite fun, cos everyone keep snatching
to answer the teacher's ques and yu long will keep saying 27 cos can get points.
Also this week's pe was damn nice cos mr siva let us play erm... CATCHING!!!
LOL everyone keep running in order to catch the people we are suppose to catch.
The guys took 1 min 47 secs to catch the girls if i am not wrong,
but the girls took 2 mins plus to catch the guys so they have to do 50 jumping jacks.

Now all 3I guys getting crazy over xiao qing ge.
once the guys reach sch they will start singing especially CHUAN HUI!
he likes to show off his high pitch voice. LOL
Den when we sing, the girls will then turn around and laugh at us.

Sadly, i am saboed to be the total defence day model
but today at the rehearsal, i saw a lot of guys so i think that it is normal to sabo guys.
hope that the costume make for me will be nice.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{4:04 AM|

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I wan to clarify something....
i have no SPECIAL relationship wif the 0210 girl
so please stop spreading this rumour. LOL....
lame lar she is just my friend so it is not consider as my crash.

anyway lets change a topic.
went to play tennis with my dad in a way is to train my muscles. HAHA
it was damn tiring cos need run here and run there and at the same time
use a lot of strength to hit the tennis ball.
we played for 40 minutes and both of us complained that it was very tiring
so we went up to bathe le.

oh ya. went to stay at orchard hotel with my family on sat.
the hotel room was quite big to accomodate 5 of us!!!
to spend some time we went to shop the whole orchard road
and we bought a lot of things. hahah most importantly, i bought another new watch
it was damn nice. got special effect one!! :D i luv it sia.

went back to the hotel at around 10 plus and lie dead on the bed
cos we walked non stop for around 6 hours. zzzz my legs hurt sia.
check out the hotel at 12 today and started to do my homework and project.
started with the idmi script and to me i find it not bad cos i add in a lot of funny stuffs.

Nothing much to say again, shall continue posting another day then. :D

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{6:51 AM|

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Today PE lesson was somehow quite tired.......
after changing into my pe attire
i walk to the basketball court wif wei jie, timo, and wen kai.
while sitting there i thought we will get to play basketball :D

YA BASKETBALL!!! Mr siva wan us to form into groups of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
once we exceed the time limit, we will have to do push ups..........
Finally when the game starts, i am in the red team. and i end up wif terence
he den give me that face like he hates being in the same group as me.

First we vs timothy's group..... and the score is 3-0 if i am not wrong.
Timothy too tall and strong le lar so i cannot even block him.
but luckily when we vs the green team we win 2-1 i think. LOL
After that Mr siva chose a few guys and a few guys.
then the guys are in one team and girls in another.
I thought that the guys' group will win but end up the girls trash them at 5-0
LOL. embarrassing sia.

Went to eat when it was recess time and i saw tian wei.....
he den started booasting that he got new targat blah blah blah
since i noe tian wei from year 1, he never fails to bluff people. LOL

At the end of school, went home wif chik, clement and lester cos all the 3I guys
take 158 again. SIAN SIA!. CAN SOMEONE EVER TAKE 12 WIF ME????!!!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{3:40 AM|

The guy

About Me

  • NAME
  • :Tan Yi Qi Aka Itchy
  • AGE
  • :14!! Going 15!!!!!
  • DOB
  • :24th of February



GREEN TEA!!! nice drink sia.


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